401K Retirement Benefits

Sponsored 401k Retirement Benefit Plans for U-Haul Dealers Available Now!

The U-Haul Dealer Benefits Program now sponsors 401k plans specifically designed for Dealer small businesses by our program partners SaveDay retirement plans and Horizon payroll services.

90% of small businesses still do not offer their employees a 401k because of the costs and time involved in the set up and administration of traditional retirement plans.

(Source:  U.S. Census Bureau 2016)

Our 401k plans for U-Haul Dealers provide the financial and retirement security boost of a 401k retirement plan for your business…to attract and retain employees with the #1 requested employee financial security benefit…

Our Program-sponsored 401k plans are designed by SaveDay so Dealer businesses have zero hidden fees and low cost set-up, plan administration, reporting and compliance.

Learn more and get started on a 401k plan for your business today.

A state mandate requiring you to start up a retirement plan may be in the near future for your business.

More states and some cities* are now mandating small businesses to offer retirement plans to their employees or face penalties for non-compliance.

Instead of a government one-size-fits-all plan, get a private and flexible U-Haul Dealer Benefits Program 401k plan solution.  Dealer businesses get:

  • Easy 401k plan start-up and employee on-boarding, supported by professional SaveDay 401k staff.
  • Access to retirement planning resources and low-cost portfolio of exchange-traded fund (ETF) options.
  • Retirement investment platform designed by SaveDay for small businesses that’s easy for workers to use and personalized.

* 14 states and 2 cities have already enacted state-mandated retirement plan legislation and over 30 states have retirement plan mandates on small businesses under consideration in response to Congress’s passing of Secure 2.0 in December 2022.  Source:  DCP360, Inc.  Consult your tax advisor for details.